Saturday, August 16, 2008

Emma's post

These are my favorite funniest pictures ever! They are of my family. I took these pictures with my mom's cell phone.

This is my brother Liam. He makes funny faces, like Ron Weasley.

This is a picture of my father. The reason I took this is because I love him.

This is my mother. The reason I took this is because my mom's eyes are beautiful.

This is me. I love making funny faces in front of the camera!


IrishGirlieKnits said...

A budding blogger!! Fabulous pictures Emma :) Too cute!

Discoknits said...

Hi Emma
Welcome to blogland :0) I love your pictures - you could be the next Annie Liebowitz. Or Picasso. I bet you get good grades in art classes :0)
Hope you'll blog more
disco :0)